2011年4月2日 星期六

Reflection on 100 years of Multitude

After reading this article, and knowing that Germans used eugene before, i felt angry. I think any race in the world has its own specialty, there's no right to think that an individual race is better than the others. Hilter even blamed on Jews that it was their fault to cause the lost of Germany in WWI. As a dictator, he then killed many Jewish people, known as the Holocaust. What a sorrow.... this is all because of the eugene!  Right now in the world, it is better to see that a country with different races and hold peace, however, in other countries the race problem still exists. It is just a problem that will never be able to solve,  just like reigion. From centuries ago, people are proud of their contry, the nationalism. That is the reason why people are so nationalistic and eugeneic.

