2014年10月5日 星期日

ARTS2090 week 9

ARTS2090 week 9 - The Visual, the Body and the Social Body
       There are different modes of publishing a visualization, even a picture can do the talking. It is not necessary to include a set of data or statistics in order to convey the message that an author is trying to express. A picture or an image may contain a semiotic meaning, which is referred to signs and symbols. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semiotics) Take this image for example, what is the first thing that come up in your mind? 

(http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/prevent-climate-change-protect-our-future) The first thing that come up in my mind is global warming, however, each individuals may come up with different meanings. Since the child has no pre-knowledge about global warming, he or she may see this picture as a big bear that is clinging onto an ice pole. This is where semiotic played an important role. Based on different culture and experience, people looked at the image in different perspectives. A picture or an image of a "thing" may have different sides as well. For example polar bear, polar bear is often associated with cuteness and was known as a friendly creature, but polar bear in reality, was a carnivorous predator. As these two images draw the differences of polar bear. 
       A photo or an image may not represent all of its contents. Take this photo for example, a child was found walking by himself without his parents in the middle of a desert.(The photograph was taken in Syria, where refugees fled their own country. )

Some people may think how is it possible for a child to walk aimlessly in the middle of a desert? Where is his parents? The truth is...
The photo was only a small portion of a bigger picture. Some journalists use this kind of pictures to concoct a "newsworthy" report. They have the ability to write something that is not true to become true. This is how powerful an image may represent.    

